A spatial feature (sf
) class object containing a multipolygon
of all versions of all MAMU catchments as of 2023-03-31.
A spatial feature (sf
) object containing 130 features
- fid
Feature ID of the polygon. Primary key differentiating each unique polygon and used to match radar survey data to catchments.
- region
MAMU conservation region the catchment falls within, as originally defined in FLNR polygons.
- region_2
MAMU conservation region the catchment falls within, as defined by ECCC.
- code
Short alphanumeric code abbreviating the catchment name.
- catchment
Name of the catchment.
- version
Version number of the catchment. Useful to keep track of cases where the catchment has multiple iterations and been re-drawn (e.g., see Artlish or Toquart for an example).
- coastal_buff_500m
Logical (T/F) - does the catchment have a 500m buffer from the coastline?
- area
Polygon area in m^2.