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Will sum values returning NA only if all values are NA, otherise will ignore





numbers or vectors to be summed. Must be type logical or numeric.


a numeric vector of the same length as the arguments


this function will provide vectorized sums with NAs ignored unless only NAs are present


# ignores NA
sum_ignore_NA(2, 3, NA)
#> [1] 5
# returns NA if all values are NA
sum_ignore_NA(NA, NA, NA)
#> [1] NA

# returns vectorized sums

x <- c(1, 2, NA)
y <- c(1:3)
sum_xy <- sum_ignore_NA(x, y)
data.frame(x, y, sum_xy)
#>    x y sum_xy
#> 1  1 1      2
#> 2  2 2      4
#> 3 NA 3      3

x <- c(1, 2, NA)
y <- c(1, 2, NA)
sum_xy <- sum_ignore_NA(x, y)
data.frame(x, y, sum_xy)
#>    x  y sum_xy
#> 1  1  1      2
#> 2  2  2      4
#> 3 NA NA     NA