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This function uses the R library keyring to interactively and securely set your Movebank credentials for other functions to use. The credentials are encrypted and stored under the name "OPP-Movebank" in Keychain (Mac) or Credential Store (Windows). If you store your credentials in this way, other OPP functions will no longer prompt you for your Movebank username and password each time they are run.

For added security, you can further set a keychain password. This means you will need to enter your keychain password any time an OPPtools function attempts to access your stored Movebank credentials. By default this is turned off, as the credentials are securely encrypted by keyring.


opp_movebank_key(username, set_keyring = FALSE)



Your Movebank username.


Logical (T/F). Set to TRUE if you would like to further password protect your Movebank credentials. You will be prompted for this password immediately upon running the function.