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This function is a wrapper of track2KBA::estSpaceUse (which itself is a wrapper of adehabitatHR::kernelUD) to calculate a traditional kernel density estimates on a given set of trips. The function accepts outputs from either opp_get_trips or ctcrw_interpolation. If provided an output from ctcrw_interpolation, the function will calculate kernels using the interpolated tracks by default. This behavior can be changed by setting interpolated = FALSE. The default kernel smoother is calculated using the href method. The default UD level is 50%.


  interpolated = TRUE,
  extendGrid = 10,
  smoother = "href",
  res = 1



Tracks to calculate kernels on. Accepts output from either opp_get_trips or ctcrw_interpolation.


Logical (T/F). If provided an output from ctcrw_interpolation, should the interpolated tracks be used for kernel calculation? Default TRUE. This parameter is ignored if the function is provided data from opp_get_tracks.


Numeric. Distance (km) to expand grid beyond the bounding box of tracking data. Default 10km.


Smoother value used in kernel calculations, either a numeric value or 'href' or 'step'. By default uses the calculated href value of the tracks. Using 'step' will use the median step length across tracks.


Grid resolution in sq km to use for kernel calculations.