Converts movebank data to format required for track2KBA
Takes tracking data downloaded from Movebank using OPPTools::opp_download_data and converts it to the format needed for track2KBA
Returns a list object of length two, containing tracking data (accessed using: dataset$data) and study site location information (accessed using: dataset$site).
This extracts location, timestamp and deployment data from movebank data and returns a list of dataframes that can be passed to functions in track2KBA. This is useful if the user wants to filter the data downloaded from movebank based on fields contained within the reference data (e.g. sex, animal_reproductive_condition)
my_data <- opp_download_data(study = c(1247096889),login = NULL, start_month = NULL,
end_month = NULL,season = NULL)
#> Warning: 0 location(s) is/are removed by removeDuplicatedTimestamps
my_track2kba <- opp2KBA(data = my_data)