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This package is a fork of CIDAtools, and allows you to setup a standardized .Rproj directory with the following preset subdirectories:

  1. 01_Raw_data
  2. 02_Analysis
  3. 03_Working_files
  4. 04_Processed
  5. 05_Admin

In addition, a file will be generated for all newly created directories to describe which files are contained within.

To install OPPtools on your local machine:

# install.packages("devtools")

Creating a new project

After OPPtools is installed, a new OPP project can be created using the Rstudio GUI (File>New Project>New Directory>New OPP Project).

Or, to create a new project folder structure from the R console, navigate to the main project directory, and run:


Feel free to set the project name, PI, and analyst via the ProjectName, PI, or analyst arguments respectively, and see ?CreateProject for more details. If any of these are specified, they are stored as text in a hidden subdirectory called .ProjData, and can be called in subsequent R code anywhere in the project using ProjectName(), ProjectPI(), and ProjectAnalyst().


The package website of the original project, CIDAtools, is available here. Further documentation on the original CIDAtools functions can be found there.

Using snippets

OPPtools functions can be used in snippets (if you have a header snippet already in your Rstudio options):

Example of a header snippet using Project Data:

snippet header
    # Project: `r OPPtools::ProjectName()`
    # Author: `r OPPtools::ProjectAnalyst()`
    # Date: `r paste(format(Sys.Date(), '%m/%d/%Y'))`
    # #########################################